Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bird Brained

Looks like an episode of the muppets, I know, but this is a stall of Peruvian hats, which is the latest craze to sweep England this winter.

My brother Adam wanted one, but he said he couldn't decide between the penguin and the wolf. We said to him, 'Ads, you wouldn't seriously go out with a penguin on your head would you?' 'I wouldn't wear it out', he said, 'it would just be for around the house.'

I think this is a really good opportunity to use exclamation marks and question marks all lined up together, don't you?


I have a wonderful friend from Peru, who is a very stylish lady, and I think she would be surprised, nay, shocked to learn that the English people were slandering her country name in such a way. I have never been to Peru but I am pretty sure that people don't walk around with woolly Angry Birds and Bert and Ernies on their heads. Oh dear!

Est xxx

PS, Adam said, if I keep using his quotes on my blog, will he get his own blog followers...?
PPS. I got the Big Bird
PPPS., of course I didn't!!!

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