Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Rooster of Luck and Happiness

You know when you are on holiday and you buy souvenirs and then get home and wonder what on earth possessed you? Well, in Portugal, the souvenir of choice is this little fella, the Rooster of Happiness. This is a little one that Benny got, complete with authentic Lisbon cobbles underfoot, he's just lovely isn't he?

So, now I have a dilemma. Do I invest in a Rooster of Luck and Happiness? It is very possible, if not certain that he will not fit in with the stylish 'wow, it is so beautiful, it looks and feels like a page from a Home and Garden magazine' look I aspire to for our family home, but hey, he is lovely, and quirky, and cute, and he comes in many different sizes and colors...

...and, he is the Rooster of Luck and Happiness, and doesn't everyone need a little bit of that in their lives?

What to do, what to do....

Then, amid my hum'ing and haa'ing, to'ing and fro'in and flipping and flopping, I spotted a postcard, and it felt like a sign, maybe a hidden message.

The writing was on the wall. I must buy a rooster, I must!

But which colour? Which size? Stripey, plain, or traditional? Wood, ceramic or tin? The options were limitless, baffling and confusing, but one thing I knew for sure I knew, I must take a rooster home, I had to have one.

So, may I introduce you to my new little rooster friend, who is now nestled cosily in the warmth and comfort of my t-shirts and socks ready for the long trip back to NZ.

Oh dear, I am so going to regret this when I get home;)

Est xxx

P.S. Tonight we arrived in Miami and went for dinner at a bar which had 22 tv screens, I counted them! But more Lisbon tomorrow, I'm a bit behind. Very tired.

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