Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Edwards Family Quotes

Had a family lunch/dinner (linner?) yesterday to celebrate Collette's birthday.

Poor Collette, it's not easy being born on New Year's Day because

a. When you are little, your Mum and Dad don't buy you extra pressies, they just keep a couple back from Christmas (aww, sorry to break it to you Collette but it's true)
b. When you are big, you go out with your friends on NY's eve everyone says Happy New Year at 12 o'clock and then, if they are not too drunk, they remember to say, 'Happy Birthday Collette' aswell
c. No-one want to go out on your birthday as they are all hung over:(

But, to cheer you up, here are a few family quotes from the last couple of days to make you smile. Happy Birthday Collette!

1. Ben: Naomi, did you know that when you eat chicken, it is an animal?
Naomi: No, what kind of animal is it?
Ben: It's a chicken!!!
Naomi: (Pausing to allow the shocking realisation to sink in)...Wow!!!

2. Adam (my Bro): Have you ever noticed that on Christmas cards, reindeers are always flying through the sky and robins are just sitting down on branches?

3. Ciara (my niece): She said a word that we are not even allowed to say.
Me: What word?
Ciara: I'm not allowed to say it.

Of course, silly question!

4. Collette: Ciara got a DS for Christmas and she hasn't spoken since!!!

5. Joke from Adam, I take no credit for this one (but wish I could)
Q. What's the difference between God and a dentist? (He actually told this to his dentist.)
A....God doesn't think he's a dentist

Sincerest apologies to all my dentist friends;)

Est xxx

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