Friday, January 20, 2012

Excellent shopping my dear Esther!

We had a fun day today, wandering around Barcelona. We have been here for six full days and I swear we have not been down the same road twice, I never know where I am! This city is so interesting and varied and colourful, you just never know what to expect around the corner. Today we found a little market in a square and made an excellent discovery!

Who would have known that somewhere in the world, there was an Esther comic being produced with my name on it! Cool eh? I made the purchase and told the lady at the stall 'that's my name, that is!'. Two euros very well spent, and nice and light to carry home (and frame for extortionate amounts of money). I have actually just decided right now, that I will do a framing course when I get back to NZ, will save myself lots of money, good plan.

Then, my stars must have all been aligned because a minute later, in the same market, we found some old printing blocks. Now, I just LOVE printing blocks and have always fancied having some of my very own, and now, my dream has been realised! They all date from 1920-1940, and they are fab!

We got 'BEANS!' (with the exclamation mark), of course!

And, of course no perfect shopping experience could be complete without the purchase of a nice bottle of vino for the evening's relaxation. We found an excellent market stall where this sign made me smile, I am glad to see that we are doing our bit for the environment, buying secondhand and saving water in the same day, good on us;).

I also had a look at the watches, I am quite keen on the white Baby G watches, or, as Naomi misunderstood, the 'Baby Jesus' watches!!!

And, we also went to a Salvador Dali exhibition and to the Palau de la Musica Catalana, which has to be one of the most beautiful and intricately decorated music halls in the world, it was a feast for the eyes and for the soul. We weren't allowed to take photos inside on the tour but here are a few I have just found online.

What a wonderful day and there is so much more to tell you, so many places we have been to!

And tomorrow we are going to watch the traditional Spanish dancing, less commonly known as 'Flamingo' dancing!

Alex is hoping that that the birds tomorrow are a bit better looking than these!

Est xxx

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