Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year. It's 2012! In case you didn't realise:)

We are back in Hull now for a week to catch up with the Edwards family. Had a quiet New Year celebration with my wonderful husband and lovely mum, a great veggie curry, Sauvignon Blanc, Milk Tray and Mrs Brown's Boys (check it out, she's funny, silly, Irish and uses bad language, so my mum likes her) - perfect. We watched the fireworks on the TV and was pretty surprised to hear that the first song they chose for the accompaning soundtrack was 'Earthquake' by Labyrinth. Really, I don't think that was the most sympathetic or well thought out musical arrangement after the earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan this year. Quickly I got onto the BBC website to lodge my urgent feedback, but then was distracted by a NY call from my brother and forgot all about it. I know it would be good for the BBC to hear my comments, but hey, I don't really want to start 2012 with a complaint, especially when it takes about 10 mins online to log it, I am such a lazy complainer. Alex went to bed at 12.15 (a valiant attempt) then Mum and I chatted away until 2.30am, no change there then;)

On our way here, we popped to Leicester to visit Alex's Auntie Sue, had pizza and a game of ten pin bowling on the Wii. Sue won, with an impressive 175 points. We think she must have been practicing. Check out that concentration!

Benny and Alex blew up the camp-bed at my mum's outside in the rain. I know, it is a strange choice of venue isn't it (as you can see, I helped a lot, by rushing off and grabbing my camera to take a photo for the blog). Mum proudly told us that last time she bought a camp bed for my sister she forgot to buy a pump, so she wasn't going to make that mistake again. She bought a pump this time - with a cigarette lighter adapter! Shame she doesn't have a car.

It is great, there is so much blogging material with mum;)

And poor Benny had a tragic splodging incident, opening a new bottle of tomato ketchup. He says it is the worst thing that has ever happened to him, in his 'whole life'. I said to him that he must had a lovely life up to now, 'yes,' he said, 'I have, until then'!

Ha-Ha-Happy New Year! May 2012 be delicious and happy and funny for you all!

Est xxx

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