Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Pastelaria

If you are hungry in Lisbon, the place to see and to be seen is the Pastelaria.

This week we have frequented a number of Pastelarias, and here are my observations.

The Pastelaria can be modern, or dated, but it is obliged to have a distinctly 1970's feel to it. Not the cool groovy 1970's feel, more the mum's kitchen 1970's kind of feel, complete with kitchen tiled walls, paper tablecloths, water glasses with words written on them, you remember the kind, and large coca cola adverts and such like, dotted around and about.

At the Pastelaria, you can buy just about anything, from baguettes and juices, coffee, cakes and desserts, to full meals, wines, beers, spirits, cigarettes, from a...get this, cigarette vending machine (see, I told you, so seventies) and even sweets and ice creams.

At the Pastelaria you will be attended to be a olde worlde gentlemanly male wearing a white collar, navy tie, and optional woolen tank top. They usually look like Norris Cole from Coronation Street (by the way very glad to hear the news that, after public outcry in NZ, Corrie has been moved back to it's rightful prime time 7.30pm slot. 5.30pm, what on earth were TVNZ thinking?).

It also seems that at the Pastelaria, it is perfectly acceptable to stand at the counter and eat a full meal, with dessert and wine, by oneself, standing up, the whole time. We felt positively lazy sitting on chairs. Maybe it is better for your metabolism, or digestion, who knows? Or maybe you pay more money to sit down, wear and tear on the chair and all that. I'm sure Benny and Naomi would call it a fart tax.

Anyway, if you find yourself in Lisbon at any time, be sure to visit the Pastelaria, is an experience to be enjoyed, and not to be missed!


Est xxx

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