Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Height of Fashion

You don't feel like a true European person until you do what the European people do. Last night, I did what the Spanish people do with their clean washing, I hung it down from my balcony to flap against the dirty wall all day.

I only hung two things, my jeans and stripey woollen dress, I would have hung more, but I only had six pegs, and I dropped one of them down onto the street below. Luckily no one was injured, I guess it is a bit of a hazard of the job, especially for a first timer - at least it wasn't my knickers.

This evening, I arrived home full of expectancy and anticipation. I rushed to the balcony to check my clothes, and they were dry! They seemed a little dirtier than they were before I put them in the wash, and tomorrow I may smell vaguely of Woki wok takeaways, but I don't mind, I feel like a local, how exciting:)

Est xxx

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