Sunday, March 18, 2012

Australia - it's just one Big Free Zoo!

As well as the stunning sunning seals and exciting fox encounter in Rye, here are a few of the Aussie animals we have seen on our travels in just the last four days.

A cockatoo in Sale - obviously also looking for some bargains (we must have read the same flyer..geddit?) - new mirror, bell or handbag perhaps?

Pelicans in Lakes Entrance, these little scavengers were all surrounding the local fisherman, who very generously threw them the fish heads (er...yum).

Benny was keen on crab hunting in Merimbula. We found one!

We sat and had lunch outside a beautiful cafe, gift shop and art gallery and enjoyed the view of the camel in the next field. Yes, I did say camel!

Rainbow Lorikeets in Merimbula, we have only seen them in the zoo before. Aren't they just beautiful?

And, just this morning, at the lovely Lake Durras campsite in the Murramarang National Park - kangaroos. Everywhere!

They were wonderful to watch. Benny and Naomi were delighted. Benny noticed that that campsite owners don't have to mow the lawns, as 'they have about a million lawn mowers here'.

Then, 'they do have to pick up a lot of poo though!'.

Est xxx


  1. I came across your blog while searching for camping in Murramarang; we're planning a 3-day camping trip for this upcoming weekend. I can't get over the birds here, either--they are amazing and we have nothing like it in the States! I'm looking forward to peeking around in your blog and reading about your other travels...thanks for sharing!

    1. Hi Annie, how exciting that you are reading! We are travelling from Melbourne to Cairns in five and a half weeks, so not really lng enough at all, we are racing through really, but what we have seen has been wonderful. I can highly recommend the Durras Lake North Holiday Park, it is basic, but a wonderful spot. It is in the bush, but very close to the Sea and the Lake. There are some little walks you can do with the kids and they hire out kayaks to use on the lake too, which is as fun, when I wasn't going backwards. I hope you enjoy your weekend. Will have a read of your blog too! Thanks Esther
