Thursday, March 22, 2012

Watery Pursuits

Sorry I have been offline for a few days, this holiday lark is pretty tiring, and what with beaching and sightseeing, lots of Lonely Planet reading, a little bit of wandering around quaint little national trust gift shop/fudge/home made ice cream villages, worrying that I should be doing more school work with the kids and beating Alex at scrabble, there is hardly any time left at the end of the day to do the really important things in life, like write the ol' blog, and for that I am very sorry. Also, after my monumental thirteen fillings and one extraction last year and the fact that I am now a stressed out thirty seven and a half year old mother of two, I have recently had to add flossing of the teeth and de-puffing of the eyes to the end of the night routine. Sometimes I wonder how I ever get time for sleep at all!

Here are a few of the things we have been up to since we last caught up.

Kayaking on Lake Durras - honestly, Benny and I spent more time going sideways and backwards than forwards. Not once, but three times, we got pushed back to the shore, it was hilarious. Alex kept shouting 'Est, paddle' - I was paddling so hard, blisters were forming on the inside of my thumbs just trying to stay still!

Alex and Naomi got stuck on a sandbank, Naomi was the official 'puller outer'.

Then some wandering on Huskisson Beach in Jervis Bay.

Then a nice fresh fish and chip dinner on the wharf, whilst taking in the paddle boarding and the pelicans.

The next day, a dolphin watching tour from Jervis Bay, which is also a marine park.

Yes, you're right, the second one isn't a dolphin at all, it's a seal - waving!

Yesterday we went through a beautiful little place called Berry, where there was a delicious bakery (The Berry Bakery I think it was called;) and we had a wagon wheel which was THIS BIG! And the chocolate was THIS THICK! I kid you not, it was like being ten years old again. We shared it between the four of us, and there was still some wheel left over!

Then to Kiama for the main attraction there, blowholes! Thanks Fanny for the tourist info:)

The Big Blowhole - can you spot us???

And the aptly named 'Little Blowhole' which was just as impressive- Benny loved it, he got thoroughly soaked, it was like one big shower and when the water came up it made a rainbow in the evening light, beautiful:)

Est xxx

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