Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Three Sisters (and Dave)

The next morning we set out to explore the Blue Mountains. We were all set to walk down the 1000 steps to the rainforest below us, honest, but were sad to realise that there had been a landslide and that route was closed, so we opted for the scenic skyway easy peasy option, of taking the train and the cable car up and down the valley, perfect!

Firstly, we floated through the air on the skyway, which had a glass floor, so you can see the rainforest below you, with The Three Sisters one be side, and the Katoomba Falls - the name means 'shiny tumbling waters' - to the other, spectacular!

Legend has it that the three sisters, named Meenhi, Wimlah and Gunnedoo were turned into stone with a magic bone by their father Tyawan, who was a witch doctor. He turned them to stone to protect them from the evil Bunyip. Then he turned himself into a lyrebird, when he too became trapped by the Bunyip (they are beautiful, I have seen one, but I don't know if it was Tyawan or not). Soon everyone was safe, but Tyawan lost his magic bone, so could not turn himself or his daughters back to themselves again. Apparently he is still searching for the bone, and they are still waiting for their father to return - what a sad and poignant story.

It doesn't explain one thing though. Who is the little one? I think he is the brother, I think his name is Dave.

Then a walk to the waterfall, which is the pretty impressive, at 244m high (we were in the middle somewhere).

No churches this time, but still a lot of steps!

Then a ride on the steepest railway in the world, at 52 degrees, it is pretty steep (it is in the Guinness Book of Records), you zoom through a cave on the way down too, the kids and I all wanted to do it again!

Another bush walk at the bottom and then another cable car back up.

The Scenic World infrastructure is incredible (there is also a roller coaster but we didn't get to go on that, they spent four years building it and then due to building codes changing, they were never able to open it, so there it stands going rusty, never ever used) and with a family pass costing $70, I thought it was excellent value too, what a fab day!

Est xxx

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