Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Parking for Beginners

On Saturday we went into town for lunch and a stroll, to soak up the atmosphere and feel the Melbourne vibe.

Fanny and I loved all the little lanes. This one is called Centre Place, where we found all sorts of restaurants and little boutique shops. I liked this 'souper' little place..

That was the point when Lans ran back to the car park to re-park the car, as it closed at 4 o clock. She was gone 20 mins before returning telling us that is was 4am, not 4pm that it shut!!! And we ALL thought it was 4pm. Silly us, too busy talking, talking, talking to concentrate on anything else!

Maybe the sign wasn't big enough...!

After realising that we now had all the time in the world, we were very excited to find the Lindt shop, especially in such a gorgeous building.

Melbourne's architecture is beautiful. Blissful shopping.

At the end of the day we found a cool little wine bar and popped in for an apres credit card bashing aperitif. You know you're having a good time when you think it is around 8pm, and look at your watch and realise it is 10.10pm! So, we got home from our shopping experience at 11pm (and the car park was still open)! Oh, don't you just love not having to hurry home for anything?

The next day we had lunch along the river and wandered around the craft market, where I found a print of Centre Place we liked on Saturday with the soup shop. What a lovely reminder of the weekend.

After this relaxed photo it all got a bit more hectic when we realised that we had to rush to get Fanny to the station to get the airport shuttle. We half ran, half meandered to the parking building, but stressed a little when one of the payment machines was out of order and the other one didn't want to take our ticket. We tried and tried and tried and then a family came in the line behind us and we told them that this machine wasn't working either. The guy came up and tried his card and it worked first time. Why didn't the blimmin' thing work for us? He looked at our card and said 'this is a different card to mine..'.

OMG, we were in the wrong car parking building!!!!

Oops, a little less conversation girls, focus!!!

A bit more stress and panic and a lot more laughing later, we dropped Fanny off to the train station to catch her shuttle, just 55 mins before her plane was due to leave the airport. She texted us later and said she had never ran so much in her life, she checked in at 3.09 and the plane boarded at 3.10!

Sorry Fanny for the stress, but we did have a fantastic weekend and we can't say we didn't make the most of every single minute - talking, talking, talking!!!

Thanks girls. See you in Sydney Fanny!!!

Est xxx