Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Probably the Most Ridiculous Bathroom in the World Ever

After two weeks on the road, our Britz campervan is becoming like home - a very small home where we bump into each other every three seconds and my bed is the dining table, but a little home from home nevertheless.

But, one thing is still annoying me, very, very much, it has annoyed me so much that I am inspired to write this blog to you, I hope you will excuse my ranting, especially after you read, I am sure then that you will completely understand my frustrations and sympathise most sympathetically.

The space you see, with the mirror on it, that little wee space (excuse the pun), is the official home of the most ridiculous bathroom in the word ever.

Let me show you inside.

Compact doesn't really cover it. You have to stand in the shower to go to the loo, and stand in the loo to go to the shower. Luckily we haven't used the shower yet, as we have been in campsites each night, and I can't say I have any desire to use it in the near future.

The other thing is that the toilet is too high for Naomi, I have no idea why they have made it so high, she manages perfectly well with normal less ridiculous toilets.

But, 'where is the sink?' I hear the more astute of you ask.

Ah, let me show you. Have you spotted it yet?

Yes, in the Most Ridiculous Design Awards 2012, the Britz campervan 'Fold Down Sink' ran away with all the prizes, and also got an honorary mention in the 'Inconvenient Conveniences' category, there was just no competition (probably;).

So, the sink, where you wash your hands, and...urgh, brush your teeth, is very handily situated, yes, exactly where you want it to be, just above the lavatory.

Of course, neither of the children can reach the sink to brush their teeth and, if that was not all, every time you try to fold up the sink, no matter how slowly you tease and cajole it or how many gentle encouraging words you use, it still just empties water all down the back of the toilet, and then it makes you swear, a lot, again. Unbelievable!!!

And, lastly, but not leastly, the kids can't fold it up, so don't leave it down, because...

'Muuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm, I need to go to the toilet, can you put the sink up?'

Est xxx

P.S. All this talk reminds me of something I meant to tell you about in San Francisco. Our friend Derek was telling us about the US/UK language difficulties they had experienced since moving there (I know we all understand those as we experience them on our computer spellchecks on a daily basis). Apparently, if you say to an American person, 'excuse me, can you tell me where the toilets are?' They say, 'sure, they're in the bathrooms'.

P.P.S. And another thing. I know I previously mentioned that we were glamping, but we don't actually have a washing machine in our campervan (although I have seen vans with them in). Today we met a man whose washing machine is an esky (chilly bin/cool box) with water and soap in which he loads the washing into and locks up before turning the keys in the ignition and driving round a few bends to the next campsite. Good idea....mmmmm, maybe he should go and work for Britz...

P.P.P.S. Today I saw a cool sign in a house mag.

'Laundry, drop your pants here'.

Could work for a drycleaners too. I want open up a drycleaning company now, just so I can use that as my slogan!

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