Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sydney with the Sydneysiders

On Friday we arrived in Sydney. Our first stop was at the Britz campervan rental place to fix the fridge - after stopping at no less than five Avis Camping car places on our French travels it seemed almost rude to just sail on past Britz with no complaints. They couldn't fix the fridge but they fixed the window blind and the waste water tap, so all was not completely lost. Now we just have to run the fridge in gas, rather than power, funny isn't it really that a fridge can run on gas....(?)... anyway, the best thing about stopping there was that they gave us some free boogie boards and our own little Britz lizards, cool!

We have been to Sydney a few times before so decided to spend our time seeing our frends Sharon and James, who we know from Wellington days, as well as Fanny and Bruce, who just moved to Syd last year.

Sharon and James kindly offered their driveway as our campsite for the night but when we got there and assessed the situation we weren't very sure about the width of their gates compared to the width of our van, we didn't want to risk our precious wing mirrors this time, so opted for sleeping on the, somewhat vertically challenging road outside;)

The children hadn't seen Edward and Lawrence for at least a couple of years since our last visit but they just rushed off and started to play, which was lovely. Spot the girl in this photo!

We had such a lovely evening of chatting with James and Sharon and drank enough wine that at midnight, when we woke up Benny and Naomi and carried them out to our outside home, it almost seemed flat!

Thanks Sharon and James for your wonderful hospitality, it was one of the best campsites we've been to, and the rates weren't bad either! We look forward to seeing you again next time.

Est xxx

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