Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Sights of San Francisco

The 'Painted Ladies', also known as Postcard Row, one of the most photographed streets in San Francisco, many film and tv shows have also been filmed in the area, of course, I couldn't wait to see them. Any buildings pre-1900 are pretty special in San Fran, after the Great Earthquake of 1906 flattened a lot of the city.

This is a row I liked on Haight Street. Haight Ashbury was such a cool area, I could definitely live there (as I am so cool too of course), when you walk down the street you won't find a dairy (newsagents to my English friends) or supermarket, or post office, but there is a cannabis shop and another named 'Pipe Dreams', you can get a tattoo, buy some crystals, or runes, retro vintage threads and vinyl (records that is, although you can probably get vinyl clothes as well;).

Gorgeously big double storey villas. I'll take this one please.

The famous Golden Gate Bridge. Standing tall with the famous Ben and Naomi Skinner.

The Ferry Building with the Coit Tower in the background. They have a huge farmers market inside which is very cool (that's where they recycle the people).

The Oakland Bay Bridge. I thought it was lovely, especially it night.

Shoe shining - I thought that profession had died out years ago, how cool to see!

Seals, on Pier 39, we're the tourist shops are, the seals just hang out for the tourists. I think they must pay them (in fish) to be part of the tourist attraction.

Lombard Street, the most crooked street in the world. That was, until Wall Street;)

And, of course, the Cable Car! Great fun, on these roller coaster streets!

Such a fab place, very liveable indeed. In fact, some friends of ours from Johnsonville have just moved here (yes, lots of our Wellington friends seem to have moved recently!). We went out for dinner with them and to the Golden Gate Park to play on the concrete slide (you go down on cardboard boxes, there is a sign that says, 'Bring your own boxes', very cool indeed, and lots of fun, so I heard!).

Here are Monique and Derek looking very calm and collected, considering they have five children, Ozy, Axel, Cosmo, Buzz and Kaelyn. I took this photo and asked if they minded being in the blog. 'No' said Monique, who is a active blogger on all things controversial and political, 'I love living online!'

Me too Monique, me too;)

Est xxx

P.S. We are in NZ!!!! In Auckland for one night only, before heading in Melbourne tomorrow, It's good to be on NZ soil.


  1. OOh Est, you've captured so much more of SF in photos in those few days than we have. I love the seals.
    I'll take the villa next to yours when the children are grown and fled the nest and we move back into town :)

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. I look forward to being neighbours again;)
