Thursday, March 15, 2012

Relaxing in Rye

After dropping Fanny off, Lana and I headed to the Jones family beach house in Rye, a small seaside town about an hour and a half from Melbourne to reunite with our families.

The boys were in the garden, making fires, chopping wood - Pat said it was ok because Benny had his 'safety thongs' on (flip flops, not pants) - eating ice pops and generally being happy and at one with nature.

We got fish and chips, grabbed some cold beers and settled down in front of the fire - with toasted marshmallows for afterwards it was the ultimate treat. Lans and I were still sitting there talking at midnight when a fox prowling through the garden reminded us it must be time to go bed.

The next morning we got to experience the new family boat. We had to give it a bit of a push first though, it was low tide and the water in the bay was only about half a metre deep, even though we had walked about 20 metres to get to it!

Finally we were off, and the fishing rods were out.

Sam caught three fish, and Ben caught two. He has caught some fish before but these were the first ones he has caught by himself. Clever Benny, I am so proud.

And Alex got one two!

Then back home for our freshly caught BBQ lunch, then a lazy afternoon on the beach. I even went in for a swim, as it was my kind of water, calm, clear, and only 1m deep!

Thanks Lans and Pat, Cal, Tahli and Sam for all your hospitality, and for sharing your beautiful charming home with us, we feel so special.

Est xxx

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