Monday, March 12, 2012

Melbourne visiting

We popped in to see my Aunt and Uncle, Mary and Ted in Mount Waverley for tea and scones the other day. Mary is my mum's sister, and when I told Naomi who she was, she said, 'How can she be? She lives in a different country.' 'I know', I said to Naomi, 'it is funny, but we live in a different country to Nannoo too'. Naomi said 'I know, but I don't want to.' :(

It was great to see Mary and Ted and also my cousin Julie, who popped by, with her little baby Gwen. Mary has been in Australia for years and years, They came here on the boat, and I might be making this all up, I think it took about three months in those days. Funny that we can be here from the UK in a day now. I am looking forward to the easy teleportation/beam me up Scotty option, hopefully they will get that sorted soon;)

And funnily enough, we were there for about 30 mins, when the phone rang, and guess who it was? Mum! She didn't know we were there, we must all theapathicly connected, or something.

And, I experienced something new there too, some may say that I don't get out enough, but can you believe that I had never eaten a fig before? Ted grows them in the garden, and dries them out and makes them into fruit sticks. We had dried apples, pears, damsons, cherries and figs, yum!!

Next on to see our friends Richard and Vicki and their children Ollie and Charlie. We met them originally in Wellington but they have been in Melbourne for about eight years now, and they love it. We had some beers and pizza and chatted and chatted and chatted. They were so interested in our travels, Rich asks so many questions, and of course I love to talk, so that was a fantastic combination;) Thanks Naomi for the photo!

We also popped in to see Jane, an old Khandallah/Plunket friend living in Melbs, she and Murray have lived here about five years ago too (I know, I don't think we have any friends left in Wellington!!!). Murray and Jane are famous for having a fantastic dining table which converts into a pool table. Alex and I are very jealous.

We also saw their little ones (bit bigger now though) Amelia and Toby. Toby and Benny immediately disappeared upstairs to play lego. This was the conversation when they came downstairs..

Toby: Mum, I want to go to that church
Jane: What church?
Toby: The church with all the guns
Jane: The church with guns?!?!?
Toby: Yes, it is about four hours away on the plane, Ben told me about it.

Benny: Yes, I was telling Toby about all my nerf guns, in Christchurch.

Ahhh, ChristCHURCH!

Thanks to everyone for your hospitality, it was so lovely to see you!

Est xxx

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