Friday, March 16, 2012

Fast Food

Wanted to show you this gorgeous little South Channel 'marker' (don't ask me, must be a fishing/boaty thing) that was close to where we went with our fishing boat.

Look closely - can you see all the seals just sitting there chilling out in the shade? Apparently they just jump on up there, and they go up the steps as well!

Whilst I was off shopping, the kids had a great time on their new favourite toy, the 'Hot Dog'. Believe it or not, someone had just left it on the side of the road, so now it belongs to the Jones family! I hope the people weren't just going in to get something, and they came back to find that their precious hot dog had disappeared. No, it has a small hole, probably that is why they left it there....hopefully! Oops, maybe the dog is now hot in more ways than one!!!

It was even more fun when they attached it to the back of the boat!

Est xxx

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