Friday, March 9, 2012

Puffing Billy

It was Callum's 12th Birthday on Sunday (he deferred the official celebrations with his friends until later, as we are here invading his space, thanks Cal) so we went out for a special day - an adventure on the Puffing Billy steam train, followed by, at my special request, a visit to the Sassafras sweet shop in the Dandenongs (don't you just love the aboriginal names?).

The day started out a little wet, to say the least. We were calm, and did not panic, when the worst torrential rain that I have ever seen (actually, the worst torrential rain I have ever seen since the worst torrential rain I saw in Melbourne last year) came down and threatened to dampen our little outing, conveniently about one minute after we had purchased the tickets.

Can you see it? It was bouncing off the train!

Of course, the children were still in fine spirits. Unfortunately Naomi had to stay at home with a bit of a bug, so Alex stayed home with her. I did offer to forgoe the outing, honest, but Alex was the perfect gentleman, and did not want me to miss out, he is so good.

The train was pretty steamy! Must be all that coal or something.

The puffing Billy is very cool, as everyone gets to sit on the window ledges and dangle, over the Dandenongs (we wiped the ledges with kitchen roll (uk) /handy towel (nz)). What is it in Australian? I don't know..!. The views were green and gorgeous.

Pat got the exciting job of following us in the car, stopping at every station to take action photos and picking us up at the last stop.

But he caught up with us in the end. The kids all got to chat with the 'fireman' who told them about the engine, and how much coal it burns (one tonne a day, I think..maybe..., does that seem feasible to you?).

Then for some serious pedalo action, whilst Lana and I chatted on the sidelines.

And finally home for the b'day cake.

And I am not saying anything about Lana's cooking, but Naomi managed to lose her first tooth during the meal too;)

Happy Birthday Cal!

Est xxx

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