Friday, March 23, 2012

This is, I mean Australia

The scenic drive through Murramarang National Park, on the way to meet our friendly kangaroos.

The view from the Illawarra Fly Treetop walk, over the Southern Highlands and to the Illawarra Lake.

Fitzroy Falls was breathtaking, and so peaceful, it felt like we were on top of the world, then Benny said, 'Mum, I need to go to the toilet', and the spell was broken.

Overlooking the Minnamurra Rainforest.

There are even lovely koru fronds here, it's all looking a bit familiar!

And of course we recognised this little guy straight away, the Australians call him a Swamp Hen, but we know he's really a Pukeko;)

And finally, we know that there is nothing like a good old Kiwi mince pie - but actually, it would seem that there is, and it's called the good old Aussie mince pie. The Robertson Pie Shop is World Famous in Robertson, so we had to stop and take a look.

As we had burned about 30 calories walking above tree tops and waterfalls that day, we decided to treat ourselves to 3000 calories of World Famous pie, we deserved it.

But, forget the meat, went for the cherry pie with cream, and the lemon meringue.

And they were incredible!

Est xxx

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