Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Girls weekend

Our dear friend Fanny arrived from Sydney on Friday morning for the weekend, it was so wonderful to see her. Alex and Pat had kindly taken the children to their beach house in Rye, about an hour and a half away, so we had the house to ourselves. We are so spoiled;)

Fanny was excited about her first trip to Melbourne and loved the trams. So we made sure we took a couple of snaps:)

Unfortunately Lana had to go off to Uni so Fanny and I hit Bridge Road. I love Bridge road, it has heaps of outlet shops and always has sales on, and you know how I love a bargain. This was one of the first shops we walked into - not a bad start!

I got these - and I can just about walk in them too;)

And, of course, a lovely lunch, and all important NZ Sauvignon, to keep us sustained and focussed for the intense shopping experience ahead, we were going to need all the energy we could muster.

Later on, we regrouped with Lans and went back home on the train to show our exciting purchases to the bored commuters and brighten up their day.

Then for the big night out!! Lan's sister Leah and friend Tracy joined us for pre-drinks, outfit consultation and make-up session at the house and then on to a delicious Thai restaurant for dinner and to Bridie O'Reilly's Irish bar (in case the name left you in any confusion) for a wee boogie with the 20 year olds. Then to a rather more refined wine bar where we honestly did try to stay awake but the chairs were so comfy, and our feet were so sore...

...they were sore, but they did look rather fab! I know Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest, and that is pretty impressive, but did he ever totter down Chapel Street on a busy Friday night with his feet in 55 degree heels? Somehow I doubt it.

Lana's friend Tracy is currently single, and she was showing us a website she has signed up to, and I have to tell you all about it. So apparently, if you are single in the year 2012, the way to meet your true love is to go onto www.Blendr.com. It's as simple as that. You filter the area you live in and the age of person you are interested in meeting and you can contact them, chat with them, and with the incredible aid of satellites orbiting around the earth, you can see how close they are to you (and you to them too, I guess) at any given time - crazy eh?

Tracy was checking Blendr during the night and at one time, was a little worried that one of the guys was only 150m away from us, we looked everywhere for someone resembling his photograph (but of course, that was probably not sensible, as everybody knows that nobody looks as young or as beautiful in real life as on the photo they put on a dating website). We tried, and failed, to encourage her to walk out of the restaurant and go left and right and see if she got closer, in a 'stalker'y type game of hide and seek, hilarious! She messaged one guy, for the purposes of discretion let us refer to him Dex (ok, I didn't actually change the name, as it had already been changed by him, probably;) as he was only 1.1km away, asking where he was, and he was sitting at home, watching TV - obviously Blendr really is the place to meet the movers and shakers!

We all need our hobbies, Tracy has Blendr, Lans has 'Words with Friends' (addicted, big time, she is becoming ridiculously articulate) and I suppose I may have a teeny weeny little blogging addiction. But that's ok....isn't it?

Est xxx