Friday, October 7, 2011

And it only took 27 seconds!

Some of you may know that before I left Christchurch I went to have a quick check up at the ol' dentist just to make sure my teeth were all in order before leaving for the big OE.

Well, to cut a long story short, I came out of there 7 hours later with 13 fillings and substantially less money in my pocket but at least I had got watch the full BBC (not the Kiera Knightly, ok for a quick fix, but proper, Colin Firth coming out the lake) version of Pride and Prejudice, so it wasn't all bad;)

Well, after all that, I started getting a bit of a toothache! Blimmin' wisdom teeth, please can anyone tell me what exactly is so wise about them?

Went to the dentist in Norwich today, called at 8.30am for an emergency appointment, got in at 10.30 and by 11.06, after approximately 27 seconds in my mouth, the dentist said to me, 'well, today is your lucky day', I said, 'what do you mean?' and he said, 'it is out' and I said, 'no!!!', and he said 'yes!!!!' and well, you can guess the rest. I could scarsely believe it! After all the shocking scary wisdom teeth stories, that is mine. Woohoo, I am dental legend once again.

And, do you know what the best thing about it was?


Yes, you heard it right, they charged me just £17, which equates to around NZ$34. They didn't seem to care that I do not live in the country, do not pay tax and do not pay National Insurance! So, you can imagine what I did, I just smiled and waved, and legged it, before anyone realised what had happened.

Honestly, no wonder everyone wants to live in England! Actually, I still can't believe it now, I am worried someone may turn up in the morning in an unmarked van, bundle me into the back and haul me away for defrauding the British government, or worse! Should I be protecting my blog maybe?

I brought my tooth home as a lovely souvenir to show Benny and Naomi, and Benny, bless him, said I should put it under my pillow. I told him that the tooth fairy doesn't come to adults (unfortunately - it would be quite nice if she brought me £17).

Of course, next minute they are putting the tooth under my pillow.

A couple of hours later Benjamin suggested I look under the pillow in case the tooth fairy had been, because 'sometimes she comes even when you are awake, if you're not in the bedroom'.

And, would you believe it, there was a one pound coin under my pillow!! My own personal tooth fairy(ies) had been. I am so lucky.

You should have seen their smiles:)

Est xxx

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