Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Woodland Stroll

It's been a few days hasn't it? I do apologize, Wifi has been in very short supply. The campsites all claim to have it, but we have learned that just means that they have a computer in their office which they do their spreadsheets on.

Now, we left off in Rambouillet with the champers flowing in celebration of our Rugby victory. Wow, lots has happened since then!

In Rambouillet we went to a lovely wildlife sanctuary, and saw wild deer and eagles and vultures and climbed a treetop trail over the forest.

The photo of the day award has to go to Alex for the eagle, but hey, I got Naomi smiling, and that was no mean feat after the misery of walking through a forest for an hour.

Est xxx

PS. The very observant among you may have spotted my new blue leather jacket in the photo. 'Got it in Paris!' (which obviously automatically makes it cool). I love it. And it's blue. Cool eh?

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