Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Lights of Norwich

Last week I went out with Alex's mum Janet to the 'pictures' (you don't go to the movies in England) to watch Jane Eyre (it was beautiful; dark, moody, great cinematography, perfect Mr Rochester, mesmerizing, can't praise it highly enough, you have to go and see for yourself).

Afterwards we went for a bit of a stroll to see the 'Lights of Norwich'. That phrase always makes me smile as it's the one Janet used when my Dad came to stay in Norwich and he thought it was going to be a pub crawl....but it wasn't.

Went to the Forum for dinner, the Forum is a beautiful glass atrium which houses the central library which was rebuilt about 15 years ago. Unfortunately the Central Library in Norwich burned down when we were living there, so many precious books and local history was lost forever, and the ironic thing is that the library was actually next to the Fire station!

Had a lovely evening. Talked about family and earthquakes and Janet is a good listener, so of course you can imagine we were the last to leave;)

Est xxx

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