Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Exit through the gift shop

We all went to zoo today. It is in the village of Banham, where Alex's Mum and Dad live. Alex, Justin, Michael and Marie all had Saturday jobs at the zoo at some point in their teenage years, feeding and cleaning out animals and whatnot. Cool eh? Bit more exciting than stacking shelves in Tesco.

I concentrated really hard and learned some new things. I am going to do a quiz with Ben and Naomi tomorrow. I am so good at this home school lark, I am actually thinking of becoming a teacher when I get back. (Hopefully none of you were fooled by the very obvious note of sarcasm in my last sentence, if you are going to home school, it is probably best not to try it with the children who actually live in your home).

Thought I would share my new found facts with you so you can feel learned and educated, just like me.

Did you know that:

1. Millipedes don't have one million legs at all!! They only have between 150 and 300.

2. Snakes smell with their tongue!

and... wait for it...

3. A giraffe can kill a lion!! (Apparently it just gives it a good kick)

Who knew??

Est xxx

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