Sunday, October 9, 2011


Had a lovely family day today with the Skinner family.  We saw Alex's cousin, Naomi and Benjamin's cousin, Alex's 1st cousin once removed, Benjamin and Naomi's second cousin, and Benjamin and Naomi's first cousin once removed. 

Are you intriged?  Are you amazed by my seeming ability to understand the finer complexities of family relationships?  Well, you should be.  I feel all talented in the field after studying an interesting, yet mildly confusing table in Wikipedia. 

Unfortunately none of the Skinners I was with seemed to fully grasp or even really care about any of this fascinating topic and Amy (Alex's cousin and B & N's first cousin once removed) said that in the Gambia, where she spends a lot of time, we are all just brothers and sisters anyway.

Aw, isn't that nice?
(...or maybe it's just because they don't have broadband internet there;)

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Est - that broadband comment is a shocker! But it was so good I had to read the whole post to Rich!
