Saturday, October 29, 2011

Camping Car

Here is a photo of our camping car. Yes, you may know it as a campervan or a motorhome, but in France it is a camping car and to be honest, after the first night of sleeping in it and not being able to work out how to put the heating on, it felt like just that, a car.......with beds in.

Honestly, just who's idea was it exactly to learn how to drive a big wide camping car in a foreign country where we don't speak the lingo and they drive on the other side of the road? Tell me that, Alex!

Ok, we have had a few small little issues (which are mostly covered in Alex's blog if you aren't already reading) and there is a reason why I took the photo from this side of the 'car' (as it is the side with the wing mirror still intact with no scratches) but all in all, we are enjoying it very much. The freedom of taking your home with you wherever you go is pretty unique, we even spent our sixth night not in an official campsite but freedom camping in the Zoo carpark. What rebels we are!

But, I have to say it, there must be a certain irony about leaving Christchurch and the earthquakes to live in a camping car, only to use a chemical toilet and have to worry about all your belongings falling over every time your house moves!

Oh dear!

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hey Est, loving the irony in that last comment! Also thoroughly enjoying living vicariously through your awesome adventures and totally in awe of you guys for making it happen and walking away from 'normal' life for a while, so keep up the blogging - loving it! Jen
