Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spending a penny?

It looks like some high fashion establishment, maybe socks, maybe ties, lined up to peruse and try...

But, no, do not be fooled. What you see before you are toilet rolls! In a toilet roll boutique! And what better target market for your high class toilet roll business but directly to the consumers who need you most, right at the coal face, in the public loo!

Yes, Naomi and I paid the princely sum of 1.50 euros (it was supposed to be 3 euros for the two of us, but I claimed that I was just going in to help Naomi and sneaked in to her cubicle, cunning eh?) to spend a penny today. We had to wait to be seated (as it were) and were kindly showed to our room by the beautiful toilet assistants.

What blissful bath, the poshest of powder rooms, a who's who of loos!

Was it worth 1.50 euros? Defintely, to get these photos to you;)

Est xxx

PS. We are picking up our campervan tomorrow and poor Alex will be navigating to destinations as yet unknown - what an adventure! I strongly suspect that the campsite will not have WiFi (or 'wiffy', as I heard one elderly lady refer to it recently) so may be offline for a little while. Gutted, as I have loads more to share, but I am nearly asleep now, so better away to bed. Night night xxx

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