Monday, October 17, 2011


Many years ago, Alex and I went to the movies to watch 'Goodbye Sarajevo', unfortunately, we went at the wrong time or on the wrong night, or maybe both, so we had to watch a different film, and it was a French film, with (quelle horror!) subtitles!

That film was called 'L'apartment', it was an excellent film, in fact Alex often recalls it as one of his favourite films.

And now he is very happy to watch foreign films of all genres, so I am happy that we didn't get to watch Goodbye Sarajavo after all -who needs war correspondence when you can have romance? Ahh!

Actually, that puts me in mind of another time I went to a subtitled film with a friend and at the end of the film I asked her whether she liked it. 'I don't know,' she said, 'I couldn't see the words'. That is a true story!

Anyway, I digress, I just wanted to tell you of our wonderful apartment in Paris. It is gorgeous. It is up four flights of winding staircase but the stairs are all polished and worn and romantic, so it is ok. Good thing I packed light(ish).

Here is a picture of the main living area. You may have to squint as it is very very small because I stole it from the website (I was going to take a picture of the room but as soon as we got in it all became rather more messy than this).

Here is a proper size picture of our little rue, Rue de Bude, which is off a beautiful little artisan shopping street with lots of boutiques and brasseries and boulangeries and pattiseries, you know the sort of thing.

It is so lovely and gorgeous and French. Want to move in and be like Cathererine Zeta Jones from 'No Reservations', (but without the cooking and stuff) but Benjamin and Alex said it is too small for my many lamps.

Yes, they are probably right.

Est xxx

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