Saturday, October 8, 2011

That sinking feeling

Apologies to anyone tuning in from Norwich today, but I stumbled across this little piece of news from a few years ago, and thought our Antipodean readers may find it interesting;)

On the 3rd March 1988, the Number 26 bus fell into a hole on Earlham Road in Norwich. The hole had been created by a collapsing chalk mine beneath the road. Apparently the whole of Norwich is riddled with them -actually, I do remember going for a beer in one once, maybe. No one was hurt, but heavens knows how they got out!!! An unknown photographer took this picture (it is all over the internet, didn't they want the royalties??). The image has not been manipulated, although people often and understandably think it has been. Afterwards, the image was used by Cadbury's to promote their chocolate bar, with the byline 'Nothing fills a hole like a Double Decker'!

Ooooh, I feel like some chocolate now, isn't it amazing how those ads work!


Est xxx

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