Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sully sur Loire

After Rambouillet we headed for the Loire Valley and the small picturesque town of Sully Sur Loire, we camped by the side of the river Loire, the kids spent lots of time on the riverbed collecting stones and making fires, it was lovely.

Here is a picci of the lovely chateau there. However, I might just as well have posted a photograph of the laundry at the campsite for this trip as I didn't actually get to go inside the chateau, as poor Naomi was sick that night and I had to wash all her bedlinen, and mine, and all her clothes. Poor Naomi did not feel too good, and Ben and Naomi are so very rarely ill, it was such bad fortune.

...hang on, you don't think she would do all that just so she didn't have to go to another you?

Est xxx

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