Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Notre Dame

Yesterday we visited the Notre Dame Cathedral, made famous by Quasimodo in the Hunchback of Notre Dame. You remember. 'The bells, the BELLS!'

The first stone of the Cathedral was laid in 1163 and it took 200 years to complete (the inordinately long queue we stood in felt like it was going to take 200 years to complete aswell).

We eventually got to the front of the queue where we realised we would have to walk up 400 steps to the top of the towers. It was all worth it, we were rewarded with amazing 360 degree views of Paris, and a trip to the Belfry to visit the great bell 'Emmanuel' which is massive, see pic, and weighs in at more than 13 tonnes.

What a majestic building. C'est tres belle (excuse the pun)!

Chimeras - these creatures, designed by Violett-le-Duc in the nineteenth century are fantastic birds, hybrid beasts and mythical monsters perched on the towers, watching over the capital city from 46 metres up.

See the little Eiffel Tower in the background?!?

Emmanuel and Benny.

Gothic Architecture, at it's best.

Blue skies in Paris:)

Est xxx

PS, for those of you who want to have a look, our apartment website is

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