Monday, October 31, 2011

Chateau Cheverny

I finally got to visit a French Chateau in the Loire Valley, woohoo! There is a really massive amazing one called Chambord which I wouldn't have minded going to, but hey, this is a family holiday so we went to Cheverny, which was still beautiful, and even better, to ease the pain for the kids (and Alex probably) it had a TinTin exhibition on aswell;)

See how excited Benny was before we went in? Or maybe it was after we had finished...

More excited about Tintin I think!

And here is TinTin and his friend Captain and his little doggy Snowy. The author based the Chateau in his books on Cheverny Chateau, as you can see, they look the same, only without the two outer wings.

Benjamin got a TinTin book as a souvenir from the giftshop (it is just so hard to get out of those places with your wallet unopened) so we have been reading it for the last few nights, although Benny has already read it through twice by himself. I am shocked, is just so un-PC!!! Full of people smoking, shooting each other, firing squads, prisons and murder conspiracies. TinTin even got drunk last night, and we're only on page 16!!!

Needless to say, the kids are absolutely loving it! Oh dear, I guess it's a classic.

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. We loved the Loire Valley! I think we might have gone to that one too, but all those chateau start with "Ch" so I get confused!
