Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dizzy Heights

Well, dear friends, since we last spoke the Skinner family have been busy. Mainly getting ever so slightly lost, ever so slightly wet (we now have our obligatory 5 euro 'I love Paris' umbrellas, which I managed, in my soggy distress to pay 6 euros for) spending far too long on buses and climbing lots and lots of spiral staircases.

Started off on Sunday with the Notre Dame towers (400 steps). Then Monday was the Eiffel Tower (thankfully there was a lift) and then Arc de Triomphe (284 steps, lift broken) were I bought a very cool 'I was in Paris' t- shirt from the gift shop. Would you believe that there is a gift shop INSIDE the Arc de Triomphe? It hardly seems patriotic! Anyway, the size small fit in the shop, and when I bought and took home the t-shirt in the wrapped package and excitedly tried it on, it is too small. But, the only way I can exchange it is to pay 8 euros and climb another 284 steps. Best go on a diet.

Yesterday we tired to go the Louvre, but it was shut. Closed on Tuesdays. Should have known. Should have read guidebook more thoroughly. But, we took a few photos outside whilst we were there anyway.

Think Naomi must have been annoying Benny again. You can go to a different country, but ***Warning*** your children will still be the same.

Fab, so fantastic to see the pyramids in person after The Da Vinci Code. Wow!!!

Then today we went to see Basilica de Sacre Couer (The Basilica of the Sacred Heart- but it doesn't sound so thrilling with that name does it really?) We did see it at Miniland in Legoland, but let's face it, that was never going to be as good as the real that was made of lego.

Just look how excited Benjamin and Naomi are at the propect of looking around another church!!!

I walked up to the top of the dome (another 500+ steps, maybe my Arc de Triomphe t-shirt will fit now?) by myself whilst Alex took the kids on the carousel.

View from the top. Ahhh, it was so peaceful, I almost didn't come down again!

You aren't allowed to take photographs inside the Sacre Couer, but I wanted to show you the ceiling, which is magnificent, and just found a cheeky 'smuggled' photograph on Google, from a fellow, more daring travel blogger. Very naughty, but thanks;)

I think I can speak for the whole family when I say we are all feeling well and truly knackered.

My feet are screaming ' Esther, what the blimmin' 'eck is going on? If we never see another windy staircase again, that would be fine by us;)'

And I agree with them.

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. The joys of travelling, so many great sights, and such sore feet! Your Paris sightseeing brings back lots of great memories. I could visit Paris again and again, just love it!
