Monday, November 21, 2011


On Friday we had the day in Nimes. Nimes has a rich history dating back to the Roman Empire and what a contrast to Montpellier! Nimes is extremely clean, so clean in fact that Alex remarked that his trainers were squeaking on the footpath, they were so shiny and polished. I loved it!

There are three main sights in Nimes, so of course we did the lot. The first was a ruined roman tower, 'Tour Magne', 400 steps at the top of a big hill in the gardens (there is definitely a theme going on here). Nice view but I preferred the gardens, the 'Jardins de la Fontaine' are full of roman statues and were built around ruined roman thermal baths, beautiful.

Then onto Maison Carree, which is one of the best preserved Roman temples anywhere!

And then, last but not least, the elliptical Roman amphitheater, of the 1st or 2nd century AD, is the best-preserved Roman arena in France. It is still used today, they have bull fighting twice a year - so I am glad I wasn't around to see that!

And I like this photo, of all the Frenchmen hanging out in the park, playing Pentanque.

And this is the house I would like to buy in Nimes. Said to Naomi I would like to buy this house and she said with a sigh, 'Mum....we've got a camper van!'

And this is a chair that I would have liked to buy and have shipped home. Alex wouldn't let me go into the shop so I took the photo through the window:(

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe Alex didn't let you buy that chair! It would go with the ghost chair so well. But since the other one was going to go in a bathroom (still haven't really worked out what it would do in there!), you'd have to have a pretty big bathroom for both of them! :)
