Sunday, November 6, 2011

Vive la différence, or maybe not...

So, let's get down to it - when in Rome and all that - I have happily enjoyed the French way of life for the last three weeks; baguettes, red wine, cheese, late night shopping, come on, what's not to love? However, I am going to draw a line in the sand now. Now, I am not a prude (well, ok, maybe just a little bit), I have accepted that the French have unisex toiletting and showering arrangements (hey, steady on, separate cubicles, I am not that liberated) but this campsite has taken it one step too far. Today I had to walk past two urinals to get to the loo!

Can someone please tell me when that became acceptable?

Est xxx

PS. I just thank my lucky stars there was nobody using them at the time, then I really wouldn't have known where to look!

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