Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sweet Equilibrium

On the way out of Nimes and heading towards our next stop of Avignon, we stopped at two places. The first one was a museum that Benjamin and Naomi were really keen to go to (?), so we couldn't deny them that pleasure. What cultured children we have;)

Look at the anticipation as they waited for their sweets from the machine. We got 16 little packets free (that was just the sweetener) and then when we were significantly buzzing from the e-numbers, we went on to purchase another 8 large bags from the boutique. Everyone was going mad, buying tons of sweets, it was like a sweet armageddon, teeth and smurfs flying all over the place, and we too got a little carried away with the excitement. Now we have to eat them all in the next three weeks or carry them all back to England on the plane!

We got back in the van and everyone was a little exhausted and needed a rest. It was then that I broke the news that I wanted to stop off at a Roman site of cultural interest a few kms down the road - you can imagine how that went down.

I was allowed to stop, get out, and take a photo, those were the rules and I was under strict instructions. After all, Alex had taken a huge detour of 200m off the main road for my treat, I was forever in his debt and he was the best husband in the world ever. Thanks Alex;)

We got there and you had to pay €15 to park.

You can imagine the conversation.

We paid the money (I played the 'Alex, we are never going to be able to see this again' card) and myself and a grumbling and complaining family set off for a walk to see Pont Du Gard, just as the weather was threatening to turn.

Pont du Gard is the highest of all Roman aqueduct bridges, and was constructed in the 1st century AD!!! It used to carry an estimated 200 million litres of water a day to the fountains, baths and homes of the citizens of the lovely clean city of Nîmes. The aqueduct descends in height by 17 m over its entire length, while the bridge itself descends by only 2.5 cm, pretty clever stuff eh?

Ok, I stole the last photo, to show you what it looks like on a sunny day - when you fly over it.

It did rain, and we all got wet, but we walked all the way across and back, up to the top, to see where the water ran through, and even through a muddy tunnel through the hill at the top. Had to get our €15 worth;)

Est xxx

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