Monday, November 14, 2011

Cite De E'space

Cite De E'space was our next stop off, near Toulouse.

As you can see, we were there for a while!

There, we learned lots of things about outer space, galaxies and milky ways (yum). Like, did you know, that if I was on the moon, I would weigh approximately 9 kgs? Cool eh? Bugger the diet, weight is definitely all relative (back to the Galaxys again!).

Also, our Sun is 5 billion years old, which sounds like a lot, but it should have a lifetime of around 10 billion years, so it will be with us for a while yet. Go for it, buy those solar panels, there will be plenty of time to get your money back;)

I also learned the order of the planets, again. Had kind of forgotten them from school (and am supposed to be my children's teacher for the next five months!), no, wait, no, it's gone, I have forgotten them again. Why didn't they name them so that the first letters spelt out a cool word or something? Now that would have been clever. Which reminds me, a good friend of mine told me a trick for helping Benjamin learn to spell 'because'. Big Elephants Can't Always Use Small Escalators. And it's true isn't it? They can't. See, something like that would have been a good idea.

Also, actually, another tip for teaching seven and a half year old boys to spell is to change your iPad password to a nice difficult 8 letter word. Benny will have that word sorted within a couple of hours.

Anyway, we did learn a lot and had good fun. Benjamin and I went to the 3D IMAX film all about the Hubble Telescope mission in 2009, and he really seemed to enjoy it. I must admit I didn't grasp too much, not because I was all completely beyond me, but because (see, I can spell that word so well;) unfortunately my translation headphones gave up the ghost and I had to sit there and listen to the whole hour in French!

Oh dear. Now that really was a mission!

Est xxx

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