Friday, November 18, 2011


I was really looking forward to Montpellier, not for any particular reason, but it just sounds nice doesn't it? Montpellier. Montpellier!

First thing we did was find a campsite to get sorted in, after the dark, closed, low bridge episode I thought it best to be organized nice and early this time.

None of the campsites in our 'Best Campsites in France' book were open so we found one online. We needed a shower after two days of sleeping on the side of the road and we needed to put some clothes in the wash. We got there and quickly realised why it was not in the 'Best Campsites of France' handbook. The owner, with fag hanging from her mouth, cigarette ash hanging precariously over her young assistants shoulder, greeted us at reception and told us that, 'Non, no camping cars in Monpellier', we had to take the bus, and the washing machine was 'Kaput!'.

We heeded those words and ventured out to the bus stop, which turned out to be some 3 kms away, via, what can only be described as some sort of public rubbish dump. We dodged beer cans, bottles, clothes, shoes, general household rubbish, a skip, old car hubcaps and lots of doggy doo to get to our stop, all the way being entertained by extensive artwork of the teenage variety. I said to Alex, 'If this is the real France, then I don't like it, thank you very much'. I was not amused.

The bus arrived and we got to Montpellier, all the way it still seemed that the number of graffiti artists must far outweigh the number of cleaners employed by Montpellier City Council. The war has definitely been won by the spray can kids.

But, we got to the city centre and I was surprised to find it was actually a really nice place, went to a beautiful art Gallery, and walked through a park where lots was happening, it was lively and bustling and there was even a film being made as we walked through, so we may be in the background of a future blockbuster about breakdancing - keep an eye out for that one!

Here 's a picci of the main square, check out the graffiti on the chimneys!

Here is one of the old part of town which was lovely, there was artwork on the wall (real artwork) which was made to look like buildings, this is just the side of a building which has been painted, even the roof tiles are painted on!

Nice clean streets. Found an English bookshop, it was heaven, especially as I had ran out of books and had resorted to reading one if Alex's, can you imagine!?!

We got back to the campsite where Alex informed me that I wouldn't like the showers, and I would probably come out dirtier than when I had got in, but, on the upside, they had a very strong Wifi connection - so we downloaded five films, superb!

Est xxx

PS. Scarf and earrings from Narbonne;)

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