Friday, November 11, 2011

Funny French

It isn't as easy as you would think touring around a country and only having the most basic schoolgirl/boy understanding of the language. We have had a few confusions!

There was the time that I ordered Benjamin a cheeseburger at McDonalds, and got two cheeseburgers, the time that Alex ordered a double shot espresso and got two separate cups of coffee, and the time that Benjamin ordered two 'jus du pomme' (apple juices) for him and Naomi at the creperie and the lady came back with a rather bemused expression, holding two apples!

And, the other day I was telling a lady, with my best French accent, that we were travelling in the camping car for cinquante jours (50 days) and she couldn't believe it, 'Wow' she said, 'Five years!!?!!'

Est xxx

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