Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Today we wandered around the town of Périgueux. Périgueux is the capital of the Dordogne region and is just east of Bordeaux. It is a town seeped in history and it has a rather lovely Cathedral (of course) St Front which is free to gain entrance to and has no queues and no steps, even better!

Ok, I stole the last photo from the net. Didn't happen to have my personal helicopter for an overhead shot. Nice though eh, it is actually quite similar to the Sacre Couer, I think it was the same architect.

Tonight we have just travelled another hour and a half east, in the dark (the clocks went back on Saturday night - we didn't even realise 'til last night!), we were supposed to be going to Bordeaux next so we are going the wrong way really. But, here we are, in a forest picnic area, next to some world famous topiary gardens so we can go there in the morning, haven't I got the best husband in the world? Can't wait! Will send pics tomorrow!

Saw this display in a Chocolatier's window today, yes, it is all made of chocolate:)

Happy Halloween!

Est xxxx

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