Sunday, November 20, 2011

Les Animaux

Don't know if that spelling is right or not, but I really didn't want to entitle this blog 'Montpellier Zoo'. This is my third zoo visit in two months and I do like animals normally, I do, but I must admit that really wasn't really relishing the prospect of a visit to yet another Parc Zoologique (yes, I think I just made up that French word) but of course, Benny and Naomi wanted to go, and it was free, yes, absolutely 100% completely gratuit (get that, Wellington Zoo!!) so that was definitely one of the deciding factors.

I was pleasantly surprised, the Zoo was lovely, it had a very gentle and peaceful parklike feel to it, with people sitting next their favourite animals, eating their lunches, and lots of runners padding around, I guess that's what you would do, if your local zoo was free - not me, of course, but some people.

And, we saw some pretty nice animals too, here are a few photos of the ones we hadn't seen before.

An aardvark! Yes, I know we all know them from the beginning of the alphabet, but have you seen one before? Alex and I hadn't!

Bear, having a scratch in the woods;)

The Ibis Rouge.

Le Froggy Bleu...?

Little black and blue bird which kept following us around and standing on one leg. Answers on a postcard please.

We took these little monkeys home with us;)

Est xxx

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