Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saint Emilion

What can I say? I have never seen so many vines, vineyards, wine merchants, and history (one of the vineyards has been producing wine since the third century, can you believe it, how do they even know that!?!) in such a small condensed area. Wine is a way of life in Saint Emilion - and it's a way of life I like!

It is all about the uncorking of the bottle, the swirl of the glass, the inhalation of the aromas, the tasting, the breathing, the buying and the cellaring, not to mention the fun part, the 'enjoying' of the wine.

What a gorgeously unique place. Incredible.

Spent a bit of time here!

NB. This lovely photo was produced using bribery for coins for the well.

Gorgeous street with lovely fabric shop (and Alex and Naomi walking far ahead). It was in here that I found the most beautiful hand printed tablecloth. The lady in the shop said, 'you have good taste', i.e. 'you have just chosen the most expensive item in the shop'. Alex was fed up of me by then so I didn't feel like I could justify the purchase of such a lovely yet completely luxuriously unnecessary item at that point.

Ahhh, I don't think I will ever forget that tablecloth....

Got one of these, I just loved the bright purple!

Once again secretly taking photographs of lovely houses on the way;)

There are 200kms of cellars underneath Saint Emilion (so we are glad our camper van didn't fall through the road). This vineyard still pick and press their grapes by hand.

Love the little tree in the middle!

No wonder the cherubs are merry, living here!


Est xxx

PS. The wine merchants of Saint Emilion did well out of us, we managed to purchase a whopping 14 bottles of wine in our day and a half, not bad eh?

PPS. Switched to Merlot for the time being;)

PPPS. Thanks for the recommendation Margaret-Jayne!

1 comment:

  1. Looks gorgeous! The bribery was worth it, its a lovely photo of them!
