Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cité de Carcassonne

Our next stop was the city of Carcassonne. Carcassonne has the claim of being the the largest walled medieval city in Europe. Exciting eh?

OK, so we had a couple of initial hiccups/hiccoughs(?) getting there. The first campsite we arrived, emptied the waste water, found a space and parked up at, was actually closed! Oops, it closed a few weeks ago although it said in our reliable 2011 campsite book that it was open until 15 Nov. In hindsight, it did look a bit quiet.

The second campsite was a little tricky to find. We had the name of the village it was in (from the lady at the first campsite/private residence with waste water facilities) so we put that in the trusty satnav/iPad. It took us down a narrow winding road and almost under a 2.5m bridge - our campervan is 3.16m high (yes, I have that 100% completely committed to memory, we have absolutely NO insurance for the top of the van and I have been having unsettling dreams about low bridges, low tree branches, high flying executives, the lot). It was dark by this point and was all getting a bit stressful. We made a u-turn. Finally we found the campsite and although the campsite was open, the gates and the office were completed closed and secure. You can begin to sense the irony in this can't you...but after a couple of 'pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?'s to a couple of random but thankfully obliging passersby, we were in.

It was all worth it though, Carcassonne was cool. It is a medieval city with shops, boutiques and cafes, a museum and church and cathedral and even the 'office de tourisme' all surrounded by one big wall. It felt exactly how you might imagine the medieval people lived, back in, well whatever century it was the medieval people lived in, but with the added benefits of toothpaste and deodorant.

Est xxx

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