Friday, November 11, 2011


Yesterday we (Benjamin and Naomi and I) made a Catholic pilgrimage to Lourdes. Ok, Alex came too, but more in a 'I have to go because I am the driver and I had better agree with the wife for a quiet life' kind of way;)

My mum had been to Lourdes with her church about 15 years ago and had lots of interesting stories to regale so I was expecting lots, mostly lots of queues.

But, it would seem that us Catholics may be fair-weather pilgrims, as it was not too busy and we didn't have to queue once, so that was good.

She also said that it was very commercial with lots of shops selling plastic Marys etc, but thankfully most of them were shut and we got away plastic Mary-less.

For those among you who may be unfamiliar with the story, on 11 February 1858, a fourteen year old girl named Bernadette was searching in a cave for sticks to burn as her family was very poor, and Mary the Mother of God appeared to her. Bernadette saw Mary seventeen more times. She later became a nun and than a Saint. Approximately 5 million (!) people visit Lourdes every year to pray and to be close to Mary 'Our Lady of Lourdes' and St Bernadatte and to bathe in Holy Water. Sick people especially visit Lourdes to help them to become well again.

The church and Grotto, where Mary appeared, were beautiful and very special places, they felt very peaceful. Naomi and Benny enjoyed it, I think, and especially liked filling up their bottles with Holy Water.

They smiled when I told them they would get Holy Water!

I love this mosiac, above the altar.

The ceiling was stunning

Here it is close up.

This is the door to the church, 'The Door of Life'.

The Grotto. You can walk into the cave and touch the walls and feel the spring water tricking down.

An amazing place to visit, I am so glad we went. And I did pray for Christchurch and for Alex's poor ankle, that everything will be ok.

Est xxx

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