Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Narbonne c'est tres bon!

Stopped off in a small town called Narbonne yesterday on our way through to Montpellier.

Spent our time going round the Cathedral (ok, it was only a quick trip, we have pretty much seen every type of pew, altar, font, buttress and stained glass window known to man, nothing will shock or amaze us anymore - I know you're just glad I haven't put a cathedral photo up aren't you;) and underground in a Roman Horreum (yes, it was a new word for me too!).

Basically, a Horreum is a group of underground tunnels where people used to live in Roman times. I'm not sure that they were underground then though or not(?), all a little confusing to follow in the local language. Bit spooky for me, but the kids didn't seem to mind at all. It really doesn't help when they put on eerie background sounds of horses and roman people having drinks and merriment and all the things they used to get up to down (up) there. Was that really necessary? It was dark...and underground...and hard to find your way out...there were some roman jugs.... I can fill in the gaps myself!

After that nerve wracking experience we tootled around the shops for a bit (can't do it for a lot with my impatient husband) where I calmed myself down with a nice new spotty scarf and some sparkly earrings. Ahhh.

I took a quick photo of this little bridge, which was kind of cool, and kind of unique too, with shops and houses on it!

Est xxx

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to skype with the Skinner family tonight! The small medieval town I was talking about was called "St Paul De Vence". Lovely!
