Thursday, February 16, 2012

Destination Haiti

I must admit I was somewhat surprised when we originally booked our cruise that one of the destinations was Haiti, but I didn't ask questions and just hoped that all would be well, this is Royal Caribbean after all, they will surely look after us.

We left the ship and had our photograph taken with a life-ring baring the name, 'Labadee, Haiti' - available on the ship to purchase for a low price of $25.00 each probably, we didn't ask (photograph that is, not life-ring, we could never fit that into our luggage). It actually turns out that Labadee is a Haitian island that Royal Caribbean have purchased, especially to take their guests to (of course) so sadly, not the real Haiti.

There was sun though, and the beach was white and the sea was sparkly. We asked the sunbed guy for a place in the shade ($5 tip of course, the general rule is if in doubt, just tip EVERYONE, and if you think $2, round it up to $5). We didn't have change so he promptly disappeared with our $20 and didn't come back until we chased down his boss, dear me, that was a bit disappointing.

Anyway, I was very excited to wear my new bikini purchased in Miami (top, size x small of course;) and although we were in the shade originally, the sun started to move around to us. The children went to kids club on the beach and Alex and I lay around and read our books and drank our chilled tropical fruit juices in paradise. Meanwhile, I was starting to feel pretty warm...

So, let me explain. You know when you are out, and you are having a great time, you have glass of wine, and then another one but you're not drunk, and then another one, and you're not drunk, but then...wham bam, all of a sudden your wheels have well and truly fallen off and you are so drunk that even your hair is drunk?

That is kind of what happened to me in Labadee. It was warm and relaxed in the sun, in my new bikini, and I had put sun screen on, but I started to have this crazy feeling, this fantastic dream, that maybe I could be one of those wonderfully beautiful bronzed beach babes who could lie out in the sun all day, being all beautiful and blonde probably, with big boobs, and tanned and golden. Maybe I wasn't actually me anymore...

...what on EARTH was I thinking!?!??!

How silly am I? Do I think that because I am in the Caribbean Sea with a new bikini that I can be a different person? I am still me, 1/2 irish, pale and interesting, and proud, I am still white white white white white - but then, all of a sudden, my back is a lovely shade of pink pink pink PINK.

I had not been this sunburnt since the fateful France '99 holiday, and those lines only faded last year.

You would think I would have learned by now. Silly silly me, falling off the wagon like that. Oh dear, next thing you hear, I'll be getting drunk!!!

Est xxx

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