Friday, February 24, 2012

Vegas for kids?

When Alex suggested we go to Vegas I thought that it would be a bit sleazy, and not a place for children at all. As my main experience of America until now has mostly been accumulated from movies and crime TV dramas, to be honest I was a little afraid that someone would be murdered every hour, a little naive I know, but still, it was a concern. Strange that on this trip we have now been to two CSI locations, Miami and Vegas. Next you hear we will be visiting Midsomer in England, and we all know what happens there, there could be a real risk of being bored to death, or at the very least falling asleep before it ends.

So, it was a very brave form of myself who ventured onto the Las Vegas strip holding onto Alex and my precious children tightly (we have this habit of walking along four abreast on the sidewalk, it is all very Waltons, and lovely, but probably very annoying for the people trying to get past us) and who should we meet, but Elmo. So, much better than anticipated, unless you have a fear of six foot furry cartoon characters, which thankfully I don't.

Then the Mario brothers (yes, we tipped them double).

Then a transformer, we asked his name, and he said 'Sam' and Alex said 'no, your transformer name'. He didn't know. He obviously doesn't have a huge passion for his career does he!

And then Naomi's dream was realised, she met her favourite person in the world, she was so happy. I think Hello Kitty was making a lot of money. What a great racket, buy a fake head and a strange dress and you can earn money all day. More people should do it, just shows that in this life, you don't need talent to earn a crust, just the right mix of ingenuity and mass media hysteria and you're sorted;).

Then to the M&M store, which was less of a shop and more of a sugary chocolate coated experience. You can even see an M&M movie for FREE!

There were 22 different flavours (but surely to test that theory you would have to eat them one at a time, and who does that?) to choose from, and you can even have your M&Ms personalised. Why? What on earth are you going to do with them, other than ingest them? Who cares what they say on them? They aren't Love Hearts, (which of course, would be a completely different matter;)!

And you can even gamble to get your sweet confectionary fix - don't forget, we are in Vegas!

So, our children did have a good time in Vegas, and they even did a bit of gambling. Here they are looking tired after a big day, but very happy with their winnings:)

Est xxx

P.S. I almost forgot to mention that we also went to see David Copperfield whilst we were in Vegas. It was so spectacular and incredible, I could not believe my eyes when he made a car and a motorcycle appear, and then twelve randomly generated audience members disappear (they reappeared later on) so effortlessly and seamlessly and confidently, almost as if he does it twice at night, at 7pm and 9.30pm. Crazy!


  1. ps can you get me that t shirt, i loved it mike

  2. Ha, shoudn't she be craving coal, or something like that, in her state?!?

  3. Bella will be so excited to see your photo with her favourite character, Elmo!
