Saturday, February 4, 2012

Home Grown

On Sunday we said goodbye to Lisbon and got back on the plane, bound for, where else, but London, Heathrow! Luckily though, we had a few hours in Sunday to enjoy before leaving again on Monday.

We popped in to see Alex's godmother Els, and Naomi gave her a quick 'Introduction to iPad' lesson, I think Els got to see every single one of our 5000+ holiday photos. Els explained that she has heard of such things as iPads and iPods and Facebook etc, but she doesn't have a computer, and she is 'very happy'! I wish I could be that independent;)

Then, for our last British pub meal for a while, with our long term London overstayer NZ friends, Vimal and the lovely Anita (they are so settled they have adopted next door's cat), and Craig and his new fiancée Elaine - congratulations guys! Had a great catch up with them, and exchanged the gossip and news of our lives which included comparing the cost of living in our respective countries and the state of he economy (wow, aren't we an interesting bunch?). When I told Vim how much we spend on groceries per week, (not including wine) he couldn't believe it. 'Well, that is including flowers', I said. 'Flowers, we don't buy flowers. We grow them!' said Vim. Laugh? I nearly snorted my wine through my nose! Haha, growing flowers, why didn't I think of that? All these years!

Adam, sorry you couldn't be there, we missed you!

And then the next day, our sixth and final trip to Heathrow to fly to Miami. I do like the red coats and shoes that the Virgin attendants wear, they make me want to go shopping.

And Naomi and Benny liked their Virgin goodie bags. Thanks Mr Branson!

Est xxx

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