Tuesday, February 28, 2012

F tram

Our San Francisco apartment is on 14th Street, in-between 15th Street and Duboce Street. There wasn't a thirteenth deck on the cruise ship either, I didn't know that people could be so superstitious, but I suppose I haven't really ever considered buying a house on 13th Street before. No, actually maybe I wouldn't.

In the guest book in our apartment, people have advised 'take the F tram everywhere' (it would also seem that about five lots of people staying here have locked themselves out, the door is a bit dodgy - we haven't yet, so far so good).

Anyway, I thought I would introduce you to our new best friend, the F tram. It is a pretty interesting form of transport, there is never a dull moment, the drivers have big characters, they usually have a lot to say, including telling people loudly when to move down the tram, telling people to take their babies out of prams, and when people should give their seats up for other people, and generally having an opinion on everything.

Twice we have got onto the tram and not had to pay, because the machine was broken, and today there were about four f trams all lined up behind each other because one of them had broken down - they eventually towed it away and changed the destination sign, to 'Nowhere in Particular'. True story!

The historical F trams have been imported from everywhere, including Italy and Portugal, Illinois, Baltimore and even Melbourne. They are so cool, I have been really taken with them, as you can see, snapping every different colour like a train spotter, next thing you know, I'll be collecting serial numbers!

Est xxx

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