Monday, February 20, 2012

What happens in Vegas stays on Facebook

Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada!

I wasn't really that keen on going to Las Vegas, Alex was the one who was keen to soak up the atmosphere, go wild, and put everything on red, so to speak, and of course I am a good wife and and want him to be happy, so off we went. I even gave him a $200USD limit, which I thought, and I am sure the husbands among you will agree, was more than generous. He came back after 45 mins with a smile on his face, $150 up, then he went off again and came back another 20 mins later with a sad face, $70 down. He then decided to quit whilst he was behind and retired from the game. After all, we all know that the house always wins. No-one leaves the table when they are winning - unless their name is Kenny Rogers of course;)

There aren't many places in the world where you can visit New York, Paris, Venice and Rome in the same kilometre strip (actually, I think Las Vegas is the only place), and, of course, aswell as being the city of cities, Vegas is the wedding capital of the world. The people who took this photo for us were getting married on Wednesday. They are probably divorced by now;)

This pair of Elvis' were 'going to the chapel and were, gonna get ma-a-arried'. Or maybe that was the lady in the white dress in front of them, but the guys were more photogenic so I took a photo of them. She was French. I wished her 'felicitations', in my best Hull accent. A French lady, getting married in The Venetian Hotel, in The United States of America - the world truly is a very small place.

So much more to say but as I have been up burning the candle at one end for the last few evenings with Caroline, it is time to say goodnight. Will write lots tomorrow;)

Est xxx

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